The Kalen Twin Set is an advanced level knitting project. This project includes two pieces: a top and a bolero. The top is worked in two separate pieces which are then joined: the back and the front. The bolero is worked in three separate pieces when are then joined: the body and two sleeves. The pattern features both written and charted instructions. After knitting this project, you will end up with a very special matching set featuring a cropped cardi and top with a delicate lace pattern.
The model wears size: SBalles: x (Baby Alpaca)
Instructions de patron étape par étape pour toutes les tailles en espagnol, anglais, français, allemand, suédois, danois, polonais, norvégien et italien
Une étiquette de broderie
- Baby Alpaca
- DK
Il peut y avoir une variation de 10% dans le poids des billes. La couleur peut varier légèrement selon le lot de teinture.